10 Best First Date Tips

The first meeting with a potential match is very important. It is the starting point, or not, of a future relationship. Many times, due to nervousness and insecurity, we make beginner mistakes. The first date is always the most difficult. There are many unknowns and uncertainties that this first contact awakens. Some of the doubts that arise are how to dress, what to say, what to do, how to behave, or what to avoid. In addition to being yourself, follow the following tips, relax and dedicate yourself to the meeting of who could be your better half. To make sure your first date is a success, read on now.
Don't prepare anything

The number one rule for a successful first date is to keep in mind that it is not a job interview. Neither a test nor an exam you have to study for. Therefore, do not carry a prepared speech of what you are going to say. If there are moments of silence for whatever reason, don't be nervous, it's normal.
Don't go with a preconceived idea

Think that you are going to meet a friend. If from the beginning you get into your head that this person is going to be the love of your life, and after five minutes you see that they're a bit shy and do not act as you want, you will become tense and the other person will sense that.
Let the conversations flow

First date conversations are important, and we should be able to indulge in informal questioning. Again, it’s not a job interview. You should talk about what you want, without forcing things and let the conversation flow naturally and, above all, calmly and honestly. It is important to choose neutral topics, such as interests or hobbies. A decade ago, one used to think bringing up matters of politics and religion was controversial for a first date. But, now more than ever singles are asking the hard questions, and not leaving it for a second date. If there is an issue that is close to your heart, bring up the subject you will only feel better knowing you did.

Pay attention to what they're saying. We all like to feel like others are attentive to what we say, and that they are following every word we speak. This is also important so that you maintain a balance between the time the two of you talk. Try not to interrupt because that is messy, and it seems that you are very eager to present your point of view above there's. I mean, you don't want to have the upper hand. It is a dialogue, not a monologue.
Forget the cell phone

If you want to be a hit on your first date, put your phone in your bag. It makes a very bad impression that you are constantly looking at it and replying to messages or checking social media. In fact, the other person may even take it as a lack of education. Also, if the goal is to meet a new person, pay attention to them, and not the phone.
Don't talk about your previous relationships

Take this tip with a grain of salt. Obviously if your date honestly asks you about your previous relationship, answer. Keep it short and sweet and avoid dark details until you know you’ll be seeing them regularly. Your date might be trying to be nice by asking, and if they are not ready to hear the ugly truth about why your last relationship didn’t work, it could leave a bad taste in their mouth, even if they are into you.
Pay attention to non-verbal language

The non-verbal language also known as body language plays a very important role on a date. For example, when there is a moment of silence, if you see the person subtly approach you and try to touch your hair or hand, it is a sign that things are going well. If you like them, use body language to let them know as well.
Show your funny side

The major function of humor in positive emotions is to promote the individual’s flourishing. Having a good sense of humor means honesty, sensitivity, and light-heartedness. Enjoy each other's company and take in every second of your moment with them.
Be natural

Don't pretend to be something you’re not or be uptight. Humility, kindness, and generosity are values that will touch anyone's heart. Basically, if you are not sincere, sooner or later they will discover who you really are.
Don't wait, invite them!
In a society where women are financially independent, we don't have to wait for a man to pay for anything. Therefore, one of the keys to a successful first date is not to sit idly by when the bill comes. Propose to split the bill or even pay it all yourself. With this gesture, you will show him that you don’t need a man by your side to support you. Concerning money, you should avoid talking about it or about the assets you may have. Some people may take this the wrong way, and see it as being a materialistic person.
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