Homemade Halloween Costumes - The Guilty Woman

5 Easy Homemade Costumes for Halloween

5 Easy Homemade Costumes for Halloween

cover photo for how to make easy homemade halloween costumes

Halloween comes with many perks, from getting to attend parties and shows, to having the perfect excuse for eating your weight in candy. But the best part of the holiday has to be dressing up in an elaborate costume, that took you months of planning. Trying to decide what you want to wear on the 31st of October can bring more confusion than clarity. Should I just wear all black? Will people think I’m a buzz-kill if I don’t dress up? This year the pandemic has us all spending more time at home and splurging less. Many this holiday will choose a small get-together with trusted friends versus a public outing.

In this article, we will share with you our top 5 easy homemade Halloween costumes.

These homemade costumes are inexpensive, entertaining, easy, and made from things you already have at home. 

How to make homemade costumes for Halloween

woman in devil costume

The costumes that are sold at Halloween stores in addition to being expensive are of very poor quality. Everyone needs to make themselves a homemade costume at least once in their life, not only is it fun but basically free since you probably already own all of the supplies needed. Here are some tips and ideas for making a costume at home.


Ghost costume

cover image of ghost costume

I know what you're thinking, sheet ghost, really? Remember the keyword is easy here and I’m pretty sure we all have a white sheet laying around. The easiest way to give this a modern update is to opt for a white dress and add grey or white fabric strips around arms, legs, and body. To enhance the spooky add chains around your body.

This costume can be made with sheets, old fine fabric curtains, some white fabric, or a white dress. Since we’re focusing on using items you already have the easiest and cheapest option is the ghost costume.


Necessary materials:

  • A white dress
  • A white sheet or other white fabric

Steps to follow:

  1. Take a sheet, any large piece of old cloth or dress.
  2. Fold in half and cut the sheet to your height.
  3. Cut two holes for the eyes or a larger hole for the face.
  4. You can keep your hands under the sheet or cut holes to remove them.
  5. Use a pale face or baby powder to cover your hands and face.
  6. You can also wear white gloves for your hands.
  7. Complete the costume with black lipstick and black makeup for the eyes.


Mummy costume

cover photo of a woman dress as a mummy costume

The mummy costume is an iconic and classic Halloween option. For our mummy costume to be original, it must project the image of a mummy fresh from the grave and when done right it will leave everyone stunned.

Materials needed:

  • old white fabric
  • Rolls of white bandages
  • Infusion of tea or coffee
  • Textile glue or thread
  • Makeup for face

Steps to follow:

  1. Choose a leotard or old shirt, preferably something tight to the body.
  2. Cut the bandages into long strips and dip them to infuse with cold tea or coffee.
  3. Dry overnight, make sure it’s completely dry.
  4. Wrap the leotard(or tight outfit of choice)with the bandages.
  5. Use a textile glue or sew the ends of the strips to the clothes.
  6. Leave some areas of your face uncovered to show off your spooky mummy makeup.
  7. Cover your entire face in white makeup and add some bluish tones, draw scars.



Vampire or Monster Costume

how to be a vampire for Halloween

A costume that manages to make an appearance at just about every Halloween party, the vampire. The vamp is another classic because not only is it super easy to pull off but there's something so irresistible about vampires. The reason vampires made the cut for the simple fact, vampires are often portrayed to look human. Gone are the days of false vampire teeth that never seemed to stay in all night.

Necessary materials:

  • Red or black dress 
  • Black pants and white shirt if skipping dress option(or normal dark clothing for a Twilight look) 
  • DIY black cape
  • Red, black and white makeup or just fake blood

Steps to follow:

  1. Cover face in pale white makeup and darken eye area with black makeup.
  2. Follow the cape tutorial or skip for a more modern look.
  3. Add red makeup or fake blood to the corners of the mouth.
  4. Make 2 red marks on the neck for the bite.
  5. Add fangs or skip for a Twilight look.



Zombie costume

easy zombie costume for Halloween

We’ve all been there, you get last-minute invited to a costume party and your first thought is how can I nail this by doing the bare minimum? If you’re someone like me, you probably have equal amounts of makeup and clothes(ok fine more clothes)and hate spending money on something you can do yourself. So what option do you choose? Spooky makeup. I personally love doing this because I don’t have to actually worry about what to wear, you can pick out literally anything since the costume is the makeup. You can put on your everyday clothes or throw on a party dress for a little more flare. The goal here is to be undead looking.

Necessary materials:

  • White, blue, and black makeup for face
  • Fake blood
  • Clothing of choice
  • Baby powder to make hair gray
  • Optional: Soil or coffee for “fresh from grave” look on clothes

Steps to follow:

  1. Apply a white makeup base on the face, darken eyes, and add blue.
  2. Add fake blood to the corners of your lips.
  3. Add some dirt or ground coffee on top of the clothes.
  4. Use leftover blood to splatter on clothing.
  5. Put baby powder in your hair to make it look dead.


Animal Costume 

easy cat costume for Halloween

I’m a cat, duh. Last but not least my favorite go-to last-minute costume, the cat. I think it’s safe to say just about every girl has at least one pair of animal ears hiding around their room. Animal costumes are effortless and perfect because not only can you pull this off in no time but you’ll actually look good. Choosing an animal costume is the best option if you care mostly about looking good than looking scary. And something to keep in mind, don’t feel like all is lost just because you don’t have matching ears. I have lost count on how many times I’ve dressed up as a cat without ears. But, you can also DIY-it using a cheap headband and pipe cleaners.

Necessary materials:

  • Black eyeliner(Liquid works best)
  • Matching clothing(Black for cat, orange for lion, or leopard)
  • Animal ears

Steps to follow:

  1. Draw whiskers and nose with black eyeliner.
  2. Put on animal ears or follow directions in tutorial if making your own.
  3. Put on matching clothing.
  4. Optional: Add winged eyeliner and lashes.


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